1.Who invented Acetylene Gas? किसने एकसकिलीन गैस िा आकिष्कार किया?
1. Edmund Davy
2. Wilbur Wright
3. Giffard 4. Kolff
2.Who invented Atomic Bomb? परमाणु बम िा आकिष्कार किसने किया?
1. John J. Loud
2. John Browning
3. Joseph Montgolfier
4. Robert Oppenheimer
3. Who invented Atomic numbers?
1. Leo H. Baekeland
2. Jacques Montgolfier
3. Moseley 4. Loud
4.Who invented Atomic Theory
1. Macmillan
2. Dalton
3. John Barun
4. Golfier
5.Who invented Barometer?
1. Evangelista Torricelli
2. Ohain
3. Dalton
4. V. Raman
6.Who invented Artificial Heart?
1. John Browning
2. Jacobs
3. Paul Winchell
4. McMohan
7.Who invented Battery (Electric)?
1. Alessandro Volta
2. B.Dunlop
3. Franklin
4. Loyd
8.Who invented Calculus?
1. Walker Eastman
2. Newton
3. M Byod
4. Holmes
9.Who invented Chronometer?
1. John Harrison
2. I-Hsing
3. Huygens
4. Jacobs
10.Who invented Cloning, DNA?
1. Ling-Tsan
2. Kim Jyong
3. Boyer, Cohen
4. Nathon
11.Who invented CT Scan?
1. Hounsfield
2. Sinclair
3. Arthur Wynne
4. Cohen
12.Who invented Diesel Engine?
1. Wynne
2. Rudoff Diesel
3. Diesel
4. Lanchester
13.Who invented Dynamo?
1. Michael Faraday's
2. Wynne
3. W.Seeley
4. Alva J. Fisher
14.Who invented Electric Iron?
1. Alva J. Fisher
2. W.Seeley
3. Sinclair
4. Rishi
15.Who invented Electric Lamp?
1. Dalton
2. Mark Roslyn
3. Thomas Alva Edison
4. Pethye
16.Who invented Electric Motor(AC)?
1. Z Gramme
2. A. Edison
3. Byod
4. Nicola Tesla
17.Who invented Electric Motor(DC)? इलेक्ट्रिि मोिर (DC) िा आकिष्कार किसने किया?
1. Nicola Tesla
2. Mark Roslyn
3. Thomas Davenport
4. Seeley
18.Who invented Electric Magnet ?
1. Turning
2. William W. Worth
3. A Fisher
4. Sturgeon
19.Who invented Electron?
1. Lanchester
2. John Thomson
3. L Brugnatelli
4. Le de Forest
20.Who invented Fibre Optics?
1. Luigi Brugnatelli
2. Charles Kuen Kao
3. Mussolle
4. Morrison
Adding Machine-========Pascal
Aeroplane ==========Wright brothers
Atom John============ Dalton
Automatic =============Calculator
Wilhelm============== Schickard
Air Conditioner======== Willis Carrier
Anemometer============ Leon Battista Alberti
Aspirin =============Dr. Felix Hoffman
Adhesive========= tape Richard G. Drew
Bacteria =========A.V. Leeuwenhoek
Ball-Point Pen=========== John J. Loud
Bicycle========= Macmillan
Blood Groups========== Karl Landsteiner
Calculating machine ===========Pascal
Cement======== Joseph Aspdin
Chemotherapy============ Paul Ehrlich
Circulation of the Blood=========William Harvey
Computer========== Charles Babbage
Continental Drift ========Alfred Wegener
Crescograph ==========J.C Bose
Diesel Engine========= Rudolf Diesel
Electric Tram=========== Fyodor Pirotsky
Electromagnetic Nature of Light ======James Maxwell
North Pole============= Robert Peary
Solar System========== Nicolaus Copernicus
South Pole=========== Roald Amundson
Dynamite ===========Alfred B. Nobel
Electric Battery============ Alessandro Volta
Electricity=========== Benjamin Franklin
Evolution (theory)========= Charles Darwin
Fahrenheit Scale ============Fahrenheit
Fountain Pen============Lewis E. Waterman
Gas lighting=========== William Murdoch
Hydrogen=========== Cavendish
Homoeopathy ========Hahnemann
Insulin============ F.Banting
Jet Engine========= Sir Frank Whittle
Laser========== Theodore Maiman
Laws of Gravitation=========== Newton
Laughing Gas (Nitrous oxide)========= Priestley
Laws of Heredity======== Gregory Mandel
Laws of Inheritance =========Gregor Mendel
Laws of Motion ===========Newton
Laws of Planetary Motion =======Kepler
Lift (Elevators)==========Otis